VOR In Port – M32 ProAm Race

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May 18, 2018 @ 12:00 pm – 6:15 pm
Boat Location:
Navy Marina Slip A49
17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841
Matt Dugan
(401) 846-1983
VOR In Port - M32 ProAm Race @ Navy Marina Slip A49 | Newport | Rhode Island | United States

Friday is the M32 Pro-Am Race.  Course will be set between Ft Adams and Jamestown

Please bring your lunch, a water bottle and any beverages.  I’ll have water on the boat.

VOR Volunteer Meeting Materials 24Apr2018

  • 1100 – Bill attend Security / RC Meeting at Ft Adams
  • 1200 – Be on boat at Navy Marina
  • 1215 – Vento Solare Underway for RC Dockout
  • 1315 – Security Zone setup
  • 1415 – 1515 M32 Pro-Am Sailing
  • 1645 – 1745 M32 Pro-Am Sailing
  • 1815 Vento Solare Approximate return to slip

Those not having Navy Base access please meet 11:45am at the Newport Nautical parking lot so Brenda may drive you on base.

For Emergencies: Hail U.S.Coast Guard on VHF 16

Race Related Spectator Information: VHF 88A

Race Committee Information: VHF 72

GPS and Nav.  Systems should be set to DD.MM.mmm format

Volunteers should bring a personal reusable water bottle

On water personnel should dress appropriately for multiple hours outdoors -prepare for any kind of weather/sea conditions. Dress in layers, don’t wear cotton clothing

Daily Race Management meeting will be held at old Sail Newport building, Stake & Marshal boat representation is mandatory. Debrief of previous day’s event, assignments and lunches will be distributed at that time. Reference schedule for daily meeting times

Daily location assignments for Stake Boats will be distributed by phone and email each evening starting on PRACTICE RACE DAY, May 16


  • Spectators afloat will want to get close to the action. Be courteous, specific and firm!
  • One person should remain at the helm and another communicate with spectators
  • Encourage intruders to move out from the Race Course by giving them specific instructions –such as “please move to the west”
  • Make sure your radio remains on the appropriate channel –low power should suffice
  • We are not authority figures, but positive ambassadors for the sport
  • In the event of an emergency involving a spectator boat, call the Coast Guard on Ch 16
  • Race Event Management will control competitor emergency situations
  • You will be given specific coordinates to hover, not anchor your vessel, it is important to maintain this position.
  • You are expected to command or delegate command to a competent operator and provide an assistant to help perform the duties of the Stake Boat
  • A maximum of three “crew” is to be observed, and YOU MAY bring guests, provided they do not provide a distraction
  • Communications with Race Management will be conducted according to the Communication Plan

Registered: Yes   Fees Paid: N/A

Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Fri May 18th @ 12:00PM EDT

Club Website: Matt Dugan
Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
Bill Skipper
Brenda Crew
Total Crew 2 = Confirmed (2) + Maybe (0) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned

Post # 327

Permanent link to this article: https://vs.j109.org/event/m32-pro-am-race/

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