17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841

Registered: Yes Fees Paid: $300 Paid 7/27/2023, Event Contacts, Event Documents, NOR Amendment #1: (deleted), NOR Amendment #2, NOR Amendment #3, Notice Board, Notice of Race, RC Announcements, Sailing Instructions, Scratch Sheet, SI Amendment #1, SI Amendment #2, SI Amendment #3, SI Amendment #4, SI Amendment #5, Starting Sequence, Youth Waiver
Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Fri August 18th @ 9:30AM EDT
Club Website: Ida Lewis YCRegistration: Link
Race Results: 4 of 13
Post # 5108
Those needing base access please meet at the Pass & ID parking lot to coordinate getting cars on base. There will be a group text asking each car to drive down the causeway one at a time so Bill, Trevor or Gardner may ride in with you.
PHRF Rating 75 (OD Sails with Code 0) – We are in PHRF Coronet Class
Everyone bring PFD with harness – jacklines will be rigged. Everyone should plan on taking sea sickness precautions with either a patch or over the counter medication such as Dramamine. Plan on taking the medication at least 6 hours before starting the race.
Vento Solare Safety Diagram with locations for hull closures, battery switch & fire extinguishers
2023 Newport Tides:
Friday: Low 0318, High 0951, Low 1521, High 2200
Saturday: Low 0346, High 1026, Low 1559
1500 – 1800: REGISTRATION (Vento Solare registering at 5:30pm)
1800: SKIPPER’S MEETING (All youth entries mandatory attendance per the NOR – please arrive at 5:45pm)
ORC Warning Signal 1100 hours
Double-Handed Warning Signal 1110 hours
PHRF Coronet Warning Signal 1140, start 1145 hours
Cruising Spinnaker Warning Signal 1130 hours
Food assignments – (Bill will have all the plates, cutlery, cookware, etc.)
- Bill bring lunch for Friday
- Gardner bring lunch for Saturday
- Trevor brings bag salad will add chicken strips and craisons, (pre-cooked and mix in a baggie on boat) , rolls for Sat dinner
- Andrew brings hard boiled eggs, yogurt, granola for Sat breakfast
- Austin, Aurora, Colin, Jacob, Ellie bring fruit & snacks
- Bill bring beverages, coffee & cream for coffee
- Bill will have 7 gallons in water jugs – everyone bring their own water bottle
Watchbill & Berth Assignments (On watch starting hour with x, off watch hour following x)
1st, 2nd = meal sitting
Aft, Port, Stbd, Bow = rack assignments for sleep
Meal | 2000 | 2100 | 2200 | 2300 | 2400 | 0100 | 0200 | 0300 | 0400 | 0500 | 0600 | 0700 | 0800 | 0900 | |
Bill | 1st | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Aft | Aft | Aft | Aft | xxx | xxx | xxx | Aft | Aft | xxx |
Gardner | 2nd | Aft | Aft | Aft | Aft | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Aft | Aft | Aft | xxx | xxx | xxx |
Trevor | 1st | xxx | xxx | Stbd | Stbd | Stbd | Stbd | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Stbd | Stbd | Stbd | xxx |
Andrew | 2nd | Port | Port | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Port | Port | Port | Port | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx |
Austin | 2nd | Stbd | Stbd | xxx | xxx | Bow | Bow | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Port | Port | xxx | xxx |
Aurora | 1st | xxx | xxx | Port | Port | xxx | xxx | Bow | Bow | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Port | xxx |
Colin | 1st | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Port | Port | xxx | xxx | Bow | Bow | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx |
Jacob | 2nd | Bow | Bow | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Stbd | Stbd | xxx | xxx | Bow | Bow | xxx | xxx |
Ellie | 1st | xxx | xxx | Bow | Bow | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | Stbd | Stbd | xxx | xxx | Bow | xxx |
Recent Comments
A fun evening sharing a table with Eric, Mary, Chris, Maggie, Francis, Lisa, Bill & Cindy. Mary was recognized with a US Sailing award as a JYC member for her communications role on J/122 Alliance in the Bermuda Race. Maggie accepted the J/122 Leading Edge third place fall series award for Tom and Diana. The picture below shows Bill & Cindy with the 1st place spring series award for J/109 Vento Solare.
In the end it turned out that the Ida Lewis YC awarded the youth trophy to Vento Solare. Pictures from the award ceremony and the trophies are below.
Boat Trophy and Youth Keeper Trophy for Austin, Rory & Henry
Youth Trophy Presentation
Rory & Austin Receiving Keeper Trophies (Missing Henry)
Henry with Keeper Trophy at Home
Thank you for a great time. That hour penelty seems steep. If you look at yellow brick there were a few other boats in our class that were just inside that south east dot. Not sure how picky they were being.
Either way great work by everyone. Enjoy the party.
Bill went to the protest hearing about our sailing in the exclusion zone to fix the spinnaker. The results of the protest was the RC added 1 hour to our corrected time. This put us in 2nd place for the youth entries. We would have had 1st in youth if not for this. Hope to see you all at the awards ceremony!
Updated boat call time is 10am this morning. Those needing ride on base meet 0945 pass & ID parking lot.