Annual Vento Solare Party

January 25, 2020 @ 6:00 pm
Boat Location:
Kneller's House
9 Cromwell Dr
Portsmouth, RI 02871
Bill Kneller
Annual Vento Solare Party @ Kneller's House | Portsmouth | Rhode Island | United States

Ahoy!  Cindy & Bill are hosting an open house for the extended Vento Solare crew starting at 6pm Saturday 25 Jan.  Please bring your first mate and join the crew at our house.  We’ll have plenty of food and drinks.

Please bring an item to share as follows based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-K small hors d’ourve
  • L-P side dish to go with BBQ stuff
  • Q-Z desert

We’ll have a BBQ main course and beverages available for all. Additional beverages to share are always welcome. We’d also like to share pictures from our time on the water.  If you have a CD, memory stick or photo site with pictures for a slide show, please send or bring the pictures to run on the big screen.

When you RSVP, please indicate what you’ll be bringing.

Be at Kneller's House - Sat January 25th @ 6:00PM EST

Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
Alyssa Guestbringing Greta
Bill Cook
Brooke Guestbringing corn bread
Cheryl Guest
ChuckH Guest
Cindy Cook
Eric GuestBerries and Beerd
Gardner GuestFresh dips, veggies / crackers, beerBringing Erin
Gerhard Guest
Greg Guest
GregB CrewGuest, KimBob app.
LarryB Guest
Laura GuestBringing Kai
Marrone Guest
Mary Guestside dish
Scott Guest
Stephanie Guest
SteveC GuestBringing an App
Taber Guest
Thurston Guest+ Lauren
AdamC Guest ?
Alison Guest ?
PatT Guest ?
Trevor Guest ?
Total Crew 24 = Confirmed (20) + Maybe (4) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned

Post # 3550

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    • Gardner on December 27, 2019 at 11:14 am

    Bill – thx for the invite.  Erin and I look forward to the get-together.  Will bring a couple fresh dips and veggies/crackers, and beer.

    See you Sat at the turnabout setup.

    Best, Gardner


    • RolandH on January 5, 2020 at 2:06 pm

    I’ll be TAD in Bahrain for a few weeks. Wish I could make it!

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