Spinnaker Test Results

Vento Solare has a new North Sails 2022 Class A2 spinnaker that we used the first day at the Cedar Point OD regatta where we were not happy with how it projected.  It was a light air day (winds less than 8 kts).  The 2nd day we used the North Sails 2016 Class A2 spinnaker and liked how it projected better but winds were 10 to 12 kts.  I asked Will Welles to sail with us after the regatta to check the cut.  On 7 July we went out in 10-12 kts wind and flew both spinnakers.  The results show the 2022 spinnaker performs better than the 2016 spinnaker.  Will indicated that in light air, the new spinnaker with AirX 650 material may seem “stiff” in light air until broken in. 

2016 Spinnaker

2022 Spinnaker


2016 Spinnaker Performance


2022 Spinnaker Performance

Draft stripe pictures were taken for the main and jib going upwind.


2016 Jib


2020 Main

Permanent link to this article: https://vs.j109.org/spinnaker-test-results/

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