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Vento Solare Splashed 2024

Vento Solare launched at Borden Light Marina on 15 April  The wet and wild March potentially pushed the launch date out, but over the past week the weather cooperated.  It was warm enough to do the cosmetic gelcoat touchup that was on the list.  Thanks go to Gardner Howe for stepping up with hull waxing and wet sanding. …

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Vento Solare Splashed 2023

2023 Floating

Vento Solare is finally launched!  Normally this is just a check in the box but this year a major milestone.  The week prior to Easter I felt miserable and had no energy.  After a couple of calls to the doctor on separate days, I went to the Emergency room at Newport Hospital on Friday and  ended up spending 5 days over Easter in the ICU being treated for pneumonia.  …

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Spinnaker Test Results

Spinnaker Testing

Vento Solare has a new North Sails 2022 Class A2 spinnaker that we used the first day at the Cedar Point OD regatta where we were not happy with how it projected.  It was a light air day (winds less than 8 kts).  The 2nd day we used the North Sails 2016 Class A2 spinnaker and liked how it projected better but winds were 10 to 12 kts.  …

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