New York YC Annual Regatta

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June 10, 2023 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Boat Location:
Navy Marina Slip A49
17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841
New York YC
New York YC Annual Regatta @ Navy Marina Slip A49

Registered: Yes   Fees Paid: Paid 5/29/2023   Uniform: Blue Crew Shirts (Bill has them if you don't have already)
Event ContactsEvent DocumentsNotice of RaceNOR Amendment #1Notice BoardRC AnnouncementsScratch SheetSailing InstructionsSI Amendment #1Starting SequenceWaiver FormWaiver Status

Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Sat June 10th @ 9:00AM EDT

Club Website: New York YC
Registration: Link
Race Results: 4 of 16, 14 of 16  Series Results: Class: 10 of 16  
Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
Bill Helm
Gardner Mast
JonR Pit
LindaR Floater
MattZ Headsail Trimmer
RolandH Foredeck
SarahW Headsail Trimmer
Wayne Main Trimmer
Andrew Stay Ashore
Billy Stay Ashore ?
Total Crew 8 = Confirmed (8) + Maybe (0) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned
(Recurring dates: 6/10, 6/11)

Post # 5104-3093

Those needing base access (Jon, Linda, Matt, Sarah, Wayne) please meet Roland at the Pass & ID parking lot to be driven on base.

Everyone please bring your own lunch and refillable water bottle.  I will have  gallon water jugs available for refills.

Racing with 120 square meter Spinnaker and Code Zero PHRF rating 72

Our Class is PHRF 3 (Pennant 8)

The Around-the-Island Race or middle distance race (scored separately) on Friday

The warning signal for the first race is 1100 each day

The traditional Two-Day Series on Saturday and Sunday, for boats racing in IRC, ORC,
One-Design classes, Classics (Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker), Multihulls, PHRF Navigators
(Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker).
● Racing may consist of the following:
﹣ Drop mark races on Rhode Island Sound or Narragansett Bay;
﹣ Navigator style races using marks designated on the South Bay Race Chart or in the sailing instructions;

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