17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841

The Around-the-Island Race or middle distance race (scored separately) on Friday
Matt Z, Stephen & Wayne please meet Roland 8:45 am at the Pass & ID parking lot to be driven on base.
Everyone please bring your own lunch and refillable water bottle. I will have gallon water jugs available for refills.
The warning signal for the first race is 1100 each day. This event is sailed under ORC handicapping rules.
The traditional Two-Day Series on Saturday and Sunday, for boats racing in IRC, ORC,
One-Design classes, Classics (Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker), Multihulls, PHRF Navigators
(Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker).
● Racing may consist of the following:
﹣ Drop mark races on Rhode Island Sound or Narragansett Bay;
﹣ Navigator style races using marks designated on the South Bay Race Chart or in the sailing instructions;
NOR Amendment #1, Notice of Race, Payment Link, Sailing Instructions, Scratch Sheet
Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Sun June 12th @ 9:00AM EDT
Club Website: New York YCRegistration: Link
Race Results: 5, 5, 4 of 10 Series Results: 5 of 10
Post # 4893
Sunday racing area and format is the same as Saturday – drop marks on Blue race circle.
Wayne is still TBD with his back and will let me know in the morning. See you all at the boat 0900.