Canceled: Last Sail – Around Aquidneck Island Challenge

October 23, 2020 @ 9:00 am
Boat Location:
Navy Marina Slip A49
17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841
Twenty Hundred Club
Canceled: Last Sail - Around Aquidneck Island Challenge @ Navy Marina Slip A49

This event is canceled

~ Lack of wind! Pat – call when convenient and we’ll coordinate cars for delivery to BLM today. ~

Bring your own lunch & beverages and please bring masks.

Wind Direction looks good! Wind Speed is low.  I will decide at 0730 Friday and send an email update if this will be a circumnavigation or just a delivery to Borden Light Marina.  If just a delivery, we’ll coordinate prepositioning a car and pickup. For planning if the sustained winds are projected 6 kts or greater with good direction, we’ll do circumnavigation.

Final sail of the 2020 season is the Around Aquidneck Island Challenge.  Weather permitting, this is a spinnaker run around the island.  Preliminary plan has the route starting at Newport Bridge heading South under Spinnaker, reach across Brenton Reef, reach up the Sakonnet and stop in the Tiverton basin for lunch, then reach over the top of the island and set the spinnaker for the trip down the bay.

The Twenty Hundred Club Around Aquidneck Island Challenge is run annually whenever we want, as many times as we want.  This is based on PHRF corrected time and allows a spinnaker and non-spinnaker run. We will start and finish at the Newport bridge and use one design sails with a PHRF rating of 75 Spinnaker, 94 Non-Spinnaker. We will select the class based on crew available. 

Boats may start by any of the designated marks and need to finish there.  The challenge excludes time through the Tiverton basin. A log is kept to record the time when certain marks of the course are passed.

We will start & stop at Newport Bridge.

Expected elapsed time is about 5 hours.

Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Fri October 23rd @ 9:00AM EDT

Club Website: Twenty Hundred Club
Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
Bill Helm
Marrone ForedeckMast & Foredeck
Mary Headsail TrimmerCrew Boss, Pit and Trim
PatT Jib TrimmerTrim Assist
Total Crew 4 = Confirmed (4) + Maybe (0) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned
Post # 4158

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