17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841
![JYC Summer Series @ Navy Marina Slip A49](https://vs.j109.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/jyc-burgee-300x230.png)
Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions
Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Tue August 8th @ 5:15PM EDT
Club Website: Jamestown YCRegistration: Link
Race Results: 7 of 11
Post # 5075
JYC Summer Series Tuesday night weekly. The warning signal for the first class is approximately 1800.
Those needing a ride on base please meet 5:00 pm at the Pass & ID parking lot to be driven on base.
We race with One Design Jib and PHRF Spinnaker – PHRF 72 (120 sqm Spinnaker)
Please be at dock NLT 5:15 pm for Crew Brief
A quick note about the finish recorded as 20:45:56 on the JYC website for the Tuesday race on 8 August. Roland noticed that the recorded time did not correspond to the finish order where we were behind Samba and in front of Grimace. I corresponded with the race committee and the finish time recorded on their scoring sheet is 20:24:56. The finish time will be updated on the JYC website and the results updated. I will send the results when the update is made.