JYC Spring Series #2

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May 21, 2019 @ 5:15 pm – 8:30 pm
Boat Location:
Navy Marina Slip A49
17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841
Jamestown YC
JYC  Spring Series #2 @ Navy Marina Slip A49 | Newport | Rhode Island | United States

JYC Spring  Series crew limit is 8

Those not having Navy Base access (Allie, Andrew, Ryan) please meet Mary 5:00pm at the Newport Nautical parking lot to be driven on base.

We race with One Design Sails – PHRF 75

Please be at dock NLT 5:15pm for Crew Brief
Current slight flood at start, building all night. Winds projected ~ 12kts gusting to 20 from WNW.

Weather Link
Tide Link

Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Tue May 21st @ 5:15PM EDT

Race Results: 3 of 4  Series Results: 2 of 4  
Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
Allie ForedeckBring beverages
Andrew Headsail Trimmer
Bill Helm
Brenda Headsail Trimmer
Eric Tactician
LarryB Main TrimmerBring munchies
Mary Pit
Ryan Mast
Billy Stay Ashore
Luke Stay Ashore ?
MikeS Stay Ashore
Total Crew 8 = Confirmed (8) + Maybe (0) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned

Post # 3135

Permanent link to this article: https://vs.j109.org/event/jyc-spring-series-2-2/


    • admin on May 21, 2019 at 10:29 pm

    A good 2nd race of the season in some challenging conditions. Winds were 8 – 22kts from WNW very gusty. Current was flooding at the start and building all night. There was another dock start this week – hopefully we have a real line next week. JYC assigned a 6.9 nm course 13s, Yp, Sp, 2s, Rs, finish.

    We were a little late for the starting line but near the pin end where we decided to be before the start. It took a little bit to get in the groove coordinating between helm and main trim, but once settled out was good. The upwind leg to 13 was against the tide with some significant gusts and moderate chop. We were the last boat in the class at the top mark. Based on the gusts and direction, we decided to hold of launching the kite. After passing under the Newport Bridge, we decided to launch the kite approaching R12 off Rose Isld. We observed a couple boats round up including Summit 35 Divided Sky. They doused their spinnaker and did not fly it the rest of the night. We passed Divided Sky when they were rounding up. We did a couple of jybes to approach Y (GC1 by Goat Island). Overall the jybes were good but we did have one where the mainsheet got caught on the pedestal and flipped off the foam beverage holders 🙁

    We did a windward douse by Y, then approached on a reach with the jib, rounded the mark coming to windward, followed by an immediate tack to keep in good water. We tacked and were close hauled crossing the channel about half way, then tacked towards Rose Island. When we reached GC1 by Rose Island we tacked and headed on a lay line to S (R12 by Rose Island).

    After rounding S, we turned and headed toward 2 (RN4 Ft Adams). The spinnaker was again set where we made good progress downwind towards 2. A windward douse was done and then a jybe to reach to the mark with the jib. As we approached the mark we turned upwind, and as soon as the mark was passes did an immediate tack to keep in good water. Divided Sky was approaching the mark on starboard as we were headed out on port, so needed to sail high to avoid them. Once past Divided Sky, we tacked and were slightly off the wind crossing the channel headed to R (G11 Dumplings). We came to windward at R and immediately tacked to stay in good water. It was a drag race back to the finish line with the C&C30 Nyabinghi and Diva 39 High Energy in the lead, followed by Vento Solare, then Summitt 35 Divided Sky. The RaceQs link shows the race replay.

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