JYC Spring Series #1

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May 8, 2018 @ 5:15 pm – 8:30 pm
Boat Location:
Navy Marina Slip A49
17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841
JYC  Spring Series #1 @ Navy Marina Slip A49 | Newport | Rhode Island | United States

2 of 52 of 5JYC Spring  Series crew limit is 8

We race with One Design Sails – PHRF 75

There are plenty of beverages and snacks on the boat – no need for anyone to bring anything this week.

Those not having Navy Base access please meet 5:00pm at the Newport Nautical parking lot to be driven on base.

Please be at dock NLT 5:15pm for Crew Brief

The following email was received on 6 May

To our Racers,

Please see below amendment to our Race Book. A revised Book with the change incorporated will be posted on the JYC website for your use.

As the 2018-2020 South Bay Racing Chart has not yet been posted, I have attached the revised courses as you will see them on that chart and as included in our Race Book. The 2015-2017 chart is not the same, so please do not use that for courses.

Also, due to the Volvo Ocean Race Newport Stop Over, the first 2 Tuesdays of our racing may see more traffic on the Bay than we normally would. Please stay alert for those not racing.

Lastly, for the first 2 Tuesday races we will be conducting dock starts. Race Committee will be on the CMS Fuel Dock for the starts as well as the normal finishes.

See you on the water!

Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

Amendment 1 to the JYC Spring Series, Summer Series, Crew Rotational Race & Fall Series


The following paragraph is amended as follows, in accordance with Paragraph 3 Changes to Sailing Instructions, and is effective immediately:


9.1 Turning Marks: Turning marks will be designated as noted on the course chart. Special Race Marks A and B (previously SRM 1 and 8) are yellow plastic barrels. Special Race Marks C (previously SRM 3) and 4 are yellow spherical buoys. Mark Z is also a yellow spherical buoy with the letter “Z” thereon, located just northeast of the rock off Clark’s Boatyard in the Dumplings area, approximate position 41 29.211N/71 21.351W. Mark 15 is a yellow cylinder located in Potter Cove, approximate position N41 31.261 W71 21.616, with “15” painted on two sides.

When a multiple lap course is designated as in paragraph 8.3 8.4 above, after the Start, Special Race Mark C (previously SRM 3) may be a turning mark (i.e., as the first mark of the second lap).

JYC 2018 Courses – Formatted

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Tide Link

Registered: Yes   Fees Paid: Yes

Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Tue May 8th @ 5:15PM EDT

Club Website: Club Website
Race Results: 3 of 5  
Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
Andrew Headsail Trimmer
Bill HelmBeer
Billy Mast
Eric Main Trimmer
Kimo Tactician
Luke Foredeck
Mary Pit
Allie Stay Ashore ?
Brenda Stay Ashoreback is acting up
MikeS Stay Ashore
Total Crew 7 = Confirmed (7) + Maybe (0) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned

Post # 310

Permanent link to this article: https://vs.j109.org/event/jyc-spring-series-1/

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