17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841

Pursuit Race with first start 0905 @ Vicinity of Halfway Rock, our start is 1009.
Scratch Sheet with Start Times
Andrew, Matt C & Matt Z please meet Roland 7:45 am at the Pass & ID parking lot to be driven on base.
Everyone please bring your own lunch and any snacks for the day. Please bring a refillable water bottle. I will have water jugs to refill them.
Registered: Yes Fees Paid: Yes Uniform: Vento Solare White shirts & Blue Vests
Notice of Race, Scratch Sheet, Sailing Instructions
Be at Navy Marina Slip A49 - Sat May 22nd @ 8:00AM EDT
Club Website: Twenty Hundred ClubRegistration: Link
Race Results: 5 of 7
Post # 4185
Thanks to Roland we have pictures posted on the Vento Solare photo page – https://vs.j109.org/photos/
Fun day on the water!